Saturday, August 3, 2013

Learn something

Story review from my friend about their couples.

First phases of loving story: Yes he is mine, yes he is everything. But in a short time I mean when they got fight between each other, each of them starting to babbling like a baby said 'yes he is like hell, idiot, useless or tarak guna' and macam-macam lah. 
For me, sometimes we can act like that because, yeah as we know while we are in angry mood, of course our mouth cannot be behave properly or politely.But for sure mulut kena jaga. Menyesal pun tak guna, just look at future.

I remember this story that has been happened a along time a go since I was studied in diploma. She was fight with his boipren only because of words. One night, she already use a words 'broken ear' and apalagi mahu dekat sebulan jugak lah they have been fight and tak ade lah nak bercinta macam dolu-dolu bak kata si Tegar. Kenal tak? Ala penyanyi Indon tu haa.
Her friends of boipren gives her an advice where we as a WOMEN have to know that there is a different ears or result of meaning what they heard between MEN and WOMEN. She asked him why? So he let my friends know that sometimes 'apa yang lelaki dengar ni kadang-kadang berbeza dengan apa yang kita maksudkan yang sebenar-benarnya.'
So that is problem!
Actually my friends bergaduh dengan boipren dia sebab dia tersalah cakap 'telinga rosak'. Tapi biasa lah kan, bila orang tengah marah, memang tak lah dia nak fikir apa yang dia cakap kan. Yang si kawan aku ni pulak cakap sebab kenapa dia cakap macam tu adalah kerana sipakwenye ni selalu tuduh dia cakap dia perli pakwe dia tu. Every single of day u know! Huu kalau aku pun hangin. tak kan lah hari -hari awek dia tu nak jadi sarcastism person @ orang yang suka perli-perli. Dah nama sayang, tak kan kan? kan kan kan?
Dengar cerita sampai sekarang diorang still bergaduh, tak tahu lah dah baik ke belum.
And the latest story when I text with her, she said that her boipren now dah buat-buat dia macam tak wujud. Hahaha macam tu pulak. Awal bercinta kemain lagi kamu-kamu kan, but now see what happened?

Memang lelaki macam tu ke? Aku tak rasa macam tu, maybe he is one of different type which mean uniques. Mungkin lah. Aku pun tak kenal boipren dia tu. Haha boleh?
By the way, she also added that now her boipren cannot let her called him everyday because of he feel annoying. Ala, ala-ala kind of sick off lah ni kes nya. Boleh dia cakap kat awek dia yang dia menyampah. Sentap doe! But I told her just accepted what he calling u and just take it as a punishment for what have u done dear. Tapi dalam hati aku cakap memang teruk sangat dah tu. Nampak sangat yang dia memang tak suka kot kat kawan aku tu. Yela dah main abai-abai sekarang, memang nak bye-bye sangat dah kot. Poor u sayang.
So I hope u bersabar jela ok kawan. Ingat Allah swt. Ada jodoh, ada la. Kalau tak ada, terima. 
Akhir kata terima kasih kepada boipren kawan aku tu. Don't treat someone as wish as u want.
That is really really really suffered!:(
Thank you.
Chill. :)

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